About Us!

What you're seeing here is a compendium of easy to use tech thingamajigs. What we do is scour the web and tech industry for those items which are so easy to use the blog's editor-in-chief's dad can use them. And so powerful nobody can do without them. Take a look around, mind the dated material, and have some fun!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hello and welcome to EasyUsey!

Hello! You've just stumbled upon the greatest blog on the internet! No lie! Ok, maybe a little, we do that at times when we're being bombastic. But we hope it's true!

What you are looking at is a record of the easiest and at the same time the most powerful software and tech we can find. Now, what does it take to get on this blog and to win awards here? Well, glad you asked, Mr and Miss/rs blog reader! 3 words: Ease of use. Ease, for how easy it is to operate. Of, because it needs to be there for the phrase to make sense. And Use, for its usefulness. And "EasyUsey" because every other iteration of "Ease of Use" was taken by people who ain't using it for anything and because being quirky is in fashion.

The qualifications for appearing on this blog haven't been set in stone yet. But they come from our frustrations about how difficult some things are to use and our experience with apps that just plain work and work without fuss or muss.

Examples of easyusey:
  • An app that works with no more than 2 button presses (after initial setup of course).
  • It must work consistently across all it's features.
  • Complexity is a detriment.
  • Hidden complexity is encouraged (means you have it there if you so chose to use it).
  • Surprise complexity is a major turnoff (remember how we said that thing about things working consistently?).
  • It must pass the dad test. No, because it's a command line interface does not mean it's easy to use. Maybe to those used to using a CLI, but if my dad cain't use the durn thing, it ain't easy.
  • Immediate usefulness. Can it be used OTB? Open and start using. The closer it gets to that the better the chances of appearing on this blog.
  • It must not be insulting to use. No Fisher Price buttons and controls. Just make it useful. But it doesn't hurt if it looks good. "Slick" is the word I'm looking for here.
  • People say elegant when they really mean powerful in its simple usefulness. Blow our socks off. :)
  • Most likely a lot of widgets will get listed, but that's the safe bet. We'll strive to include any genre of tech. Devices, standalone apps, websites, and more!
So those are our guidelines and that was our introduction. And this is our closing statement. We hope you enjoy yourselves here and, please, if you'd like to contribute to the fun don't hesitate to email us with suggestions. We can't guarantee that everything we get will be included, but we will read all suggestions and consider them. We're just starting out so it may take a while to figure out how to handle this new venture. But it should be fun. So join us, won't you?

Ryan "ThePenciler" Martinez

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